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Article Summary: FAST Club: The Impact of a Physical Activity Intervention on Executive Function in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder


Physical activity (PA) has shown to be beneficial for those with FASD. However, few studies have been done on PA in the FASD population, and PA programs targeting those with FASD are not common yet. This study talks about the physical activity program, FAST Club, for children with FASD, where they were paired with an adult to help them through a series of games, exercises, and skill development activities, meant to be fun and helpful for children with FASD.

FAST Track program

The FAST track program looked at fine motor skills, coordination, strength, and agility. Exercises included running, playing games where problem-solving was required, and activities where children had to make quick decisions.

The program helped children with:

How physical activity helps those with FASD

PA has been shown to be beneficial for those with FASD in the areas of:

In order for a PA program to be most effective:


Take Home Message

More programs are needed within schools and communities for children with FASD. These programs are fairly easy to start, and show a lot of potential for helping individuals with FASD with their cognitive functioning, with effects which will continue into adulthood.

For more information:

Authors: Alison B. Pritchard Orr, Kathy Keiver, Chris P. Bertram, Sterling Clarren

Journal: Human Kinetics Journals

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