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Become an FASD-informed police officer

Police officers will come across justice-involved individuals with FASD. Therefore, it is important that they have a grounded understanding of how FASD impacts a person’s involvement with the justice system 

For a police officer to fulfill their duty to uphold the law, maintain public safety, and protect the community, it is essential that they are FASD informed. An effective way for police officers to do this is through taking our FASD for Solicitor General Professionals Level II online course. 

Youth FASD Justice Program Officer from Lethbridge Police Service, Constable Chris Andrade, shares his experience of taking the course: “In January 2022 I was assigned to the FASD Justice Program with the Lethbridge Police Service and completed several CanFASD online courses including FASD for Solicitor General Professionals Level ll.  

“Given the over-representation of individuals with FASD in the Justice System as victims, witnesses and subjects, I believe it is critical for all police officers to receive relevant training on FASD such as this course. Personally, I found the course was very well put together and full of knowledge applicable to law enforcement.” 

Read on to find a preview of some of the helpful strategies and suggestions for working with justice-involved individuals with FASD. We encourage you to take the full course to learn more. 

Address physical health and basic needs  

Adjust language and communication  

Account for other cognitive difficulties  

Consider the physical environment  

Support social and emotional functioning  

By following these tips, police officers can better support individuals with FASD and ensure positive and respectful interactions. Education, communication, sensory considerations, flexibility, patience, and empathy are key components in effectively supporting individuals with FASD in law enforcement settings.  

The strategies above are presented as broad suggestions, to learn more about how to be an FASD-informed police officer, we encourage you to take our FASD for Solicitor General Professionals Level II online course. 

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