Share your thoughts on Canada’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan

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Canadians with disabilities have been disproportionately affected by health, social, and economic impacts for years. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the inequities individuals with disabilities face have significantly worsened.  

Individuals with disabilities are more likely to be financially insecure, unemployed or underemployed, and often face barriers to accessing government programs and services. The Government of Canada has recognized the differences impacting those with disabilities and is establishing a Disability Inclusion Action Plan to improve the lives of Canadians with disabilities. They are consulting Canadians on how best to achieve this goal through an online survey.   

The Five Main Objectives: 

 The five main objectives of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan are to: 

  1. Reduce poverty among Canadians with disabilities. 
  2. Get more persons with disabilities into good quality jobs. 
  3. Help meet the Accessible Canada Act goal of a barrier-free Canada by 2040. 
  4. Make it easier for persons with disabilities to access federal programs and services. 
  5. Foster a culture of inclusion.  

The goal is to create a disability inclusive Canada that celebrates the diversity, creativity, innovation and contributions of persons with disabilities. It will focus on key areas like:  

  • financial security 
  • employment
  • disability-inclusive spaces 
  • a modern approach to disability 
Who Can Participate? 

All Canadians have the opportunity to participate in the research survey to share their thoughts and experiences surrounding how to better improve the lives of Canadians with disabilities. The responses to the survey will help to inform the development of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan. If you want to include your voice in this process, be sure to complete the survey by August 31, 2021 

People with FASD have traditionally been excluded from underrepresented in federal government policies and decisions. This is your opportunity to share your voice! You can either complete the survey online, print and mail a copy, or send a video of your responses to  

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