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December Webinar Update

We’re taking a short break from our CanFASD webinar series for the month of December but will return in the new year. In the meantime, you can re-watch all of our past webinars on our YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe to our channel to get regular updates!

Here are a few other series you may be interested in.

Parenting During a Pandemic

Strong Minds Strong Kids ran a webinar with expert panelists Dr. Amanda Zelechoski and Dr. Lindsay Malloy called Guilt, grief, and grace, oh my: Parenting during a Pandemic. This is a great resource for caregivers who are struggling balancing childcare with regular responsibilities during a pandemic.

Perinatal Substance Use

B.C.’s Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health ran a fall webinar series called Learning & Acting Together – Perinatal Substance Use. This four-part series included panel discussions from a number of experts with research, practice, policy, and lived experience.

Learn about:

Indigenous Cultural Safety

PHSA Indigenous Health developed a webinar series about Indigenous Cultural Safety in collaboration with an advisory circle of Indigenous and non-Indigenous leaders across Canada.

This learning series addresses a broad range of issues related to how Indigenous people experience and interact with a number of different systems, such healthcare, justice, education, and child-welfare. They provide a space to address the complex experience of Indigenous-specific racism and discrimination while promoting advocacy and empowerment.

There are 12 webinars to choose from, with presentations from a number of different community leaders across Canada.

Implications of COVID-19

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) has put together a webinar series about the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on substance use and access to healthcare services and supports.

These webinars feature presentations from leaders from across Canada who discuss issues such as harm reduction, domestic violence, adverse childhood experiences, youth, and more. You can watch all of the recordings on their website.

FASD Learning Series

The Government of Alberta put together a free FASD Learning Series with close to 100 videos available about various topics related to FASD. You can see presentations from a number of experts and community leaders, including some from our very own CanFASD Research Leads.

This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass is a heartwarming and honest series that tells short stories about the lives of adults with FASD as they adapt to the new challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The series was filmed and created by the staff and residents at Options for Independence, a supported housing initiative in the Yukon for adults with FASD.

Happy watching!

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