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AccessAbility Day 2: Article Summary- Intervention recommendations and subsequent access to services following clinical assessment for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

Children with FASD and prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE, without a formal FASD diagnosis) require various interventions to address the challenges they face on a daily basis. This study by Pei et al., 2017, looks at differences in intervention recommendations for children with FASD and PAE (no FASD diagnosis), and access to these interventions. The researchers investigated specifically, which categories of interventions are most likely to be accessed and how accessibility relates to the recommendations given. They also looked at how the age of assessment for PAE, as well as adverse events/exposures prenatally or postnatally, might affect intervention recommendations.

 Total group recommendations

 Comparing recommendations across age groups and pre/postnatal scores

 Comparing recommendations for FASD and PAE groups

Follow up: Access to interventions

Implications for clinical practice and future research
The broad spectrum and frequency of recommendations show how diverse the needs are of children with PAE (without a diagnosis), and children with FASD. It is crucial that recommendations given to children with FASD/PAE are available in their community, and that they are likely to be implemented. The findings from this study can help advocate for services and appropriate interventions for individuals with FASD/PAE and their families.

Take-home message
More recommendations were made in the categories of developmental therapy and family support for younger children, indicating the importance of early interventions for individuals with FASD/PAE. Even though children with diagnosed FASD received more recommendations than those with PAE (but no FASD diagnosis), those in the PAE group still received many recommendations in all categories. Children with FASD and PAE have extensive needs and should receive recommendations tailored to their individual needs, as opposed to broadly recommending interventions based on diagnosis alone.

Authors: Jacqueline Pei, Lauren Baugh, Gail Andrew, Carmen Rasmussen

Journal: Research in Developmental Disabilities


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