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Guest blog: Thoughts on the FASD International Conference- Shelley More

20190405_183033I had the great fortune to attend 3 days of the International FASD Conference, Vancouver at the beginning of March thanks to the generous sponsorship of CanFASD.  With this support, I was blessed to learn what’s happening around the world with regards to FASD and feeling connected to a greater community.

First, being with the 800+ researchers, clinicians, service providers, caregivers and people living with FASD was uplifting, overwhelming and encouraging. To spend 3 days immersed in what’s going on in FASD research and interventions brought a sense of hope and empowerment that I had never felt before.  The group, that brought me to tears though, was the FASD Change Makers…they filled me with hope, inspiration and a path going forward for my children, our family and the Rural FASD Support Network that I will highlight in my second blog.

For this blog, I really like to learn about how the brain works and am fascinated by all things neuroscience and want to share the four workshops that made me go AHA!


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