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Better Nights, Better Days – Facebook Live Series in February

Better Nights, Better Days is an online program created by sleep experts from across Canada. Sleep is very important for children to improve their behaviour, mood, performance at school, and overall well-being. Around 25% of children experience insomnias, such as falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking up too early. However, getting in-person treatment for poor sleep patterns can prove to be challenging. A team of psychologists, nurses, and physicians have developed the Better Nights, Better Days online program to help parents develop strategies that will help their children relax and get to sleep quicker, and get a better quality of sleep.

The BNBD-NDD team is hosting a series of three Facebook Live presentations in February addressing sleep in children with neurodevelopmental disorders, and specifically sleep assessments for children, medication and melatonin, and the benefits of sleeping better.

You can find details of the presentations here:



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