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Article Summary: Warning about drinking during pregnancy: lessons from the French experience

Since 2007, France has required all containers of alcohol to contain a warning about drinking during pregnancy. However, this label has only been noticed by just over half of female consumers, and the message is often misinterpreted.




Take-home message

Although it is positive that France requires by law for every container of alcohol to contain a warning label against consuming alcohol during pregnancy, the understanding of these labels can be improved. The meaning of a ‘standard drink’ needs to be established for the general public, and different methods of education need to be explored in order to effectively relay evidence-based messages about the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy to pregnant women or women who may become pregnant.

For more information:

Authors: Agnès Dumas, Stéphanie Toutain, Catherine Hill, Laurence Simmat-Durand

Journal: Reproductive Health

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