CanFASD staff, researchers, and Family Advisory Committee members worked together in selecting certain articles to highlight some of the work that has been published over the last year in the field of FASD. Over 520 papers published on FASD in 2017 were narrowed down to a final list of 35 that focus on CanFASD’s areas of emphasis in FASD prevention, intervention, diagnosis, social justice, child welfare, and family collaboration. Additional consideration for what constituted the “top” articles included: generalizability to Canadians, influence on practice or policy, novelty, scientific rigour, and media attention. For a PDF version of the final document please click here: Top Papers of 2017 FINAL
Hello! I’m Dr. Kelly Harding (née Coons) and I’m one of the voices behind the CanFASD blog. I’m also the Research Coordinator and a Research Assistant with CanFASD working in Ontario, Canada. I received my PhD in Interdisciplinary Rural and Northern Health from Laurentian University. My work focuses on health services in rural and Northern Ontario, with a particular focus on health care professionals in training and their preparation regarding FASD.